S NoNameType
1Madhya Pradesh Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act,2007 VAT
2Value Added Tax ACT, 2002 As on 10th Aug 2009 (in pdf) VAT
3Madhya Pradesh Value Added Tax ACT, 2002 as on date 10-August-2010(in pdf)VAT
4Madhya Pradesh Vat (Amendment) Act, 2011-No. 10 of 2011(in pdf)VAT
5MP Vat (Amendment) Ordinance, 2011(in pdf)VAT
6Vat Rules Amendment- Audit Report dated 04.10.2011(in pdf)VAT
7Vat Rules Amendment dated 04.10.2011(in pdf)VAT
8M P Vat Amendment( Validation) Act, 2011dated 24.12.2011(in pdf)VAT
9M P Vat (Third amendment) act, 2011dated 24.12.2011(in pdf)VAT
10Vat Amendment Act No. 12 of 2012 dated 31.03.2012(in pdf)VAT
11Vat Rules Amendments dated 03.04.2012(in doc)VAT
12Vat Rules Amendment-Audit Report dated 08.05.2012(in pdf)VAT
13Amendments in MP VAT Rules, 2006 dated 31-10-2012 (in pdf)VAT
14MP Vat (Second Amendment) Act, 2012 (in pdf)VAT
15The Madhya Pradesh Central sales Tax Act, 1956CST
16The Madhya Pradesh Entry Tax ActEntry Tax
17ET Amendment Act 2011 ET Amendment
18The Madhya Pradesh Hotel Tax ActHotel Tax
19The Madhya Pradesh Profession Tax ActProfession Tax
20PT amendment act no.9 of 2010PT amendment
21Madhya Pradesh Commercial Tax Act, 1994Commercial Tax
22LT ActLT
S NoNameType
1VAT Rules as on 13.08.2010VAT
2Madhya Pradesh Commercial Tax Rules, 1995 Commercial Tax
3LT RulesLT
S NoNumberHeadingType
1 Notification FA-3-76-2014-1-5 13 bhopal dated 27 Jan 2016VAT
2 Notification F-A-3-3-2016-1-5 14 bhopal dated 16 Feb 2016LT
3 Notification no 17 to 22 bhopal dated 31 March 2016VAT
4 Notification NO 4739-81-21-2016 bhopal dated 18 March 2016 VAT BillVAT
5 Notification NO 4741-80-21-2016 bhopal dated 18 March 2016 PT BillPPT
6  Notification NO 10024-vidhaan-2016 bhopal dated 17 March 2016 PT BillPPT
7 Notification NO 10021-vidhaan-2016 bhopal dated 17 March 2016 VATBillVAT
8 Notification F-A-3-11-2016-1-5 15 and F-A-3-11-2016-1-5 16 bhopal dated 09 March 2016LT
9 Notification FA-3-13-2015-1-5 12 bhopal dated 27 Jan 2016vat
10 Notification bhopal dated 23-01-2016vat
11 Notification No F-A-3-02-2016-1-5-10 bhopal dated 22-01-2016VAT
12 Notification No F-A-3-60-2015-1-5-11 bhopal dated 22-01-2016VAT
13 Notification No 817-14-21-a.pra Bhopal Dated 14 Jan 2016 Madhya Pradesh PT amendment ACT, 2016PPT
14 Notification No 816-13-21-a.pra Bhopal Dated 14 Jan 2016 Madhya Pradesh VAT amendment ACT, 2016VAT
15 Notification No F A 3-60-2015-1-5-2 bhopal dated 02-january-2016VAT
S NoNumberHeading
1circular by govt.Circular34
2circular by govt.Circular38
3circular by govt.Circular37
4circular by govt.Circular33
5circular by govt.Circular36
6circular by govt.VAT(Sansodhan) Act, 2012
7circular by govt.Bhamasha Award
8circular by govt.The work related with form section and circulars issued from this section
9circular by govt.4428-4701-2008-1-5 circular for RTI
10circular by govt.17-vasuli-07-59 achal sampati
11circular by govt.43-2006-07-30-15-31 panjiyan
12circular by govt.66-24-B-1-102 Vat Adhiniyam 2002
13circular by govt.17-vasuli-07-52 chal achal samapati
14circular by govt.17-vasuli-07-246 Vasuli Prakaran
15circular by govt.23-2006-07-30-15-144 Rebat
16circular by govt.1-88-15-b-5-128 roaster
17circular by govt.6-07-24-B-1-48 Mobile Handset
18circular by govt.2006-07 -statistics-121 Verification
19circular by govt.7-lekha-06-165 Expenditure
20circular by govt.23-2006-07-30-15-487 Rebat
21circular by govt.17-vasuli-06-693 vigat varsh ki bakaya rashi
22circular by govt.17-vasuli-72-03-738 auction
23circular by govt.17-vasuli-06-658 vasuli
24circular by govt.7-04-audit-5-1637 Audit
25circular by govt.8-audit-5-109 Audit
26circular by govt.26-5-19-40 taxpayers
27circular by govt.vat-15-06-7-tech-189 panjiyan
28circular by govt.30-2007-24-B-1-101 Bhul Sudhar Aadesh ke Antaragat
29circular by govt.93-04-24-B-1-176 Forms
30circular by govt.48-02-22-306 out to out -janch chouki
31circular by govt.48-02-22-294 form 88 Janch chowki
32circular by govt.vat-15-06-1-tech-294 Vivran Patra
S NoNumberHeading
1 Template for VAT audit report
2 Template for VAT Form 6 Registration
3 Template for CST Form A Registration
4 Template for PT Employer Form I Registration
5 Template for PT Person Form III Registration
6 Template for Hotel Tax Form 30 Registration
7 Template for BT Form 7A Registration
8 Template for Transporter registration
9 Template for VAT Return Form 10
10 Template for VAT Return Form 10 with digital signature
11 Template for CST Return Form V
12 Template for CST Return Form V with digital signature
13 Template for Composition Dealers-Form 5 Return
14 Template for Works Contractors-Form 4B
15 Template for Hotel Tax Form 22 Return
16 Template for ET Composition-Form VI Return
17 Template for ET Form VII Return
18 Template for ET Form VII Return with digital signature
19 Template for PT Person-Form 09 Return
20 Template for PT Employer Form 7 Return
21 Template for ET Form VIIC Return
22 Template for BT Form 10B Return
23 Template for Transporter return